
Past Events

Selected highlights from the past.

26 September, 2020

AGM and Seminar: Dr Anne Steinemann

Topic: The Fragrance Problem - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

31 May, 2020

May Awareness 2020

Due to COVID-19, virtual events replaced our planned face-to-face events.

13 January, 2020

Podcast: Chair, Penelope McMillan, discusses ME/CFS...

A comprehensive overview of ME/CFS and the history of its political context. Laura Ruggles asks clinical immunologist, Dr Rob Loblay, and our Chair, Penelope McMillan, for their thoughts on the topic, "The biopolitics of CFS/ME".

31 October, 2019

Skylight ME/CFS Community Event

Speakers: Dr Michael Musker (SAHMRI), Penelope McMillan (ME/CFS SA), Matthew Driver (Skylight Mental Health)

07 September, 2019

Seminar: Andrea Parker, Occupational Therapist

Topic: What happens in vagus: an exploration of vagus nerve stimulation as a potential therapy for ME/CFS and beyond.

23 August, 2019

ME/CFS SA wins Big Picture - 'Give Back' Initiative Award!

A new website is on its way, thanks to Quisk and six other SA businesses who generously provide free professional services to one SA charity each year.

31 May, 2019

May Awareness 2019

Badge Day, #MillionsMissing, #LightUpTheNight, media coverage, and more.

24 November, 2018

Seminar: Dr Martin Lewis, Senior Research Fellow, SAHMRI

Examining ME/CFS using biological markers: A comparison of controls and sufferers.

20 June, 2018

Sam Duluk MP speaks in SA Parliament

Sam Duluk MP tables a Private Member's Grievance highlighting ME/CFS.

31 May, 2018

May Awareness 2018

ME/CFS issues raised in SA Parliament, media coverage, Badge Day, #MillionsMissing, #LightUpTheNight, and more.