Past Events
Selected highlights from the past.

25 June, 2021
#SockItToME 2021
Seacliff Primary students turn out in crazy socks to support their former teacher, Mardi Angus, who now has ME/CFS.

17 May, 2021
#MillionsMissing 2021
This year's highlights include a house party, a short video, and a week of daily social media posts.

12 May, 2021
May Awareness 2021
#MillionsMissing, #LightUpTheNight global events, media coverage, and more.

01 May, 2021
Seminar: Dr Michael Taylor, Mycologist
Topic: Mould - recognising and dealing with mould, and more.

15 April, 2021
Homebound survey: release of the preliminary report
Making the invisible visible: exploring the experiences of frail, homebound and bedridden people.

18 March, 2021
Highlighting the Unseen
Conference presentation on research and innovation for people who are frail, homebound and bedridden.

19 February, 2021
David Pisoni draws holiday winner!
This give away was open to all members or donors from 1 July 2020 to 31 January 2021.

30 January, 2021
Seminar: Carol Hunter, Clinical Psychologist
Topic: Coping strategies for patients, carers and families living with ME/CFS.

11 December, 2020
New website launched!
We are pleased to present our new website, with a huge shout-out and heartfelt thanks to Big Picture - The 'Give Back' Initiative.

28 November, 2020
Seminar: Dr Barbara True, Rheumatologist
Topic: Pain and managing pain in ME/CFS.