South Australians
with ME/CFS
by providing services, education and advocacy since 1987 for those with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
South Australians
with ME/CFS
by providing services, education and advocacy since 1987 for those with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Keep up to date with the latest news articles from around the world.
Articles represent the views of their authors and not ME/CFS SA. Always seek advice from a registered health practitioner before changing your care plan.
12 February, 2025
Brain Swelling And Memory Issues Found In Long COVID Patients | ABC News
Long COVID patients exhibit swelling in an area of the brain linked to memory problems, poor concentration and delayed responses during conversations, researchers have found.
12 February, 2025
VIDEO: Study Finds Similarities In Long COVID And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
An Australian study has found a similarity in the brains of people living with long COVID and the condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome.
12 February, 2025
ALT BLK ERA: “This Is About Doing Something That I Love, With My Sister, With Our Fans, Forever Without Restraints”
ALT BLK ERA were thrust onto festival stages and racked up a host of award nominations without even releasing an album. But with debut LP Rave Immortal now out, Nyrobi and Chaya dissect what their music actually stands for, how it was informed by Nyrobi’s experiences of chronic illness, and why their sisterhood is stronger than ever.
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We provide services that aim to meet the varying needs of our community.
We recognise that some people use the internet and some require hard copies; some members of our community can meet in person whilst others are housebound.