

Join us. Receive access to member services and help shape our work for the ME/CFS community.

We welcome people with ME/CFS and related conditions, as well as family members, health practitioners and others, who share our vision to improve the quality of life for those affected by ME/CFS.

By becoming a financial member you will receive the member benefits described below. In addition, you will be supporting the aims and objectives of ME/CFS South Australia. 

Your membership supports the provision of services, education and advocacy for every South Australian with ME/CFS and those who care for them. It also adds weight to any submissions, grant applications and advocacy approaches we make to governments and various agencies.

ME/CFS SA does not receive any government funding. We rely on the generosity of members, donors and fundraising to continue our work in the community.

Membership: join or renew

I have been a member for nearly 30 years. I really appreciate the effort that everyone goes to, to keep us informed; you give of yourselves, expending your limited energy, on our behalf. I'm housebound, so I'm not well enough to attend any events, but I am a member because I want to contribute financially to the work that is being done to get the message out there to help others.


Membership offers a way to contribute to the ME/CFS Society, an enjoyable low key way to meet others with ME/CFS, and an easy way to hear about current research.


Member benefits

  • Welcome information
    New members receive introductory information on our organisation and on ME/CFS.
  • Talking Point magazine
    See Our Services for more information 
  • Newsletters
    Local news by email.
  • Access to online library of Member Resources 
    • more than 20 years of Talking Point magazines; 
    • video recordings of seminars and special events; 
    • resources from other organisations who have given us permission to share their material with our members; 
    • and more.
  • Seminars
    Free entrance to seminars featuring presentations from health professionals, researchers and other experts. See Our Services for more information  
  • Enquiry service
    See Contact for more information
  • Participation in decision-making
    Through annual general meetings, special general meetings and surveys, you, as a financial member, have the opportunity to participate in shaping ME/CFS SA services and strategic directions.
  • Social events
    Catch-ups and special events, both in person and online. See Upcoming Events.

These services may adapt to changing circumstances.

Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

Membership: join or renew   

Our aim is to support everyone affected by ME/CFS. Therefore the annual fee is $5, even though it costs us about $50 per member to deliver our services.

We encourage those who can afford more to make a donation to help subsidise those in our community who are unable to do so. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. 

Donations can be made at the same time as paying for membership. Alternatively, if you would like to make an automated monthly donation, please use GiveNow.

If you would like to make alternative arrangements, please contact us. 
Phone: 0493 468 288 11am-6pm Monday-Friday 
If our volunteer is not available to take your call, please leave a voicemail and we will respond as soon as possible.

Last edited: 27 August, 2024