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Articles represent the views of their authors and not ME/CFS SA. Always seek advice from a registered health practitioner before changing your care plan.

13 January, 2023

"I Don't Want To Cry Anymore As It Just Adds To The Flood": Disabled Woman Left 'Paddling Around' Flooded Home Over Christmas

A disabled woman has opened up on her agony after being forced to spend the festive period in a damp-ridden home. Nine days before Christmas Michelle Dark, 67, from Cheshire, woke to find water coming into her retirement home, leaving parts of it submerged.

04 November, 2024

"I Was Terrible At Asking For Help, I Just Didn’t Know How To Do It," Miranda Hart Says As She Speaks Candidly About Her Struggles With Chronic Illness

Miranda Hart's new memoir candidly details her struggles with chronic illness.

07 January, 2024

"It Took 18 Months For Doctors To Figure Out My 'Unseen' Illness - These Are My Symptoms"

Elle spent almost two years in constant pain with no idea why, it wasn't until her fibromyalgia diagnosis that she found out what it was.

06 October, 2021

"Long COVID" Not Getting Enough Attention During Current Panic Over Delta Variant

A long list of symptoms gives researchers multiple vantage points from which to study long COVID.

22 October, 2024

"My Life Is On Hold And I Don't Know If I Will Ever Get It Back. Long Covid Has Stolen My Identity" - Billboard Placed In Peterborough Highlighting Plight Of Long Covid

Campaigners from Not Recovered UK - who live with long Covid or ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) - have launched a new campaign about these disabling chronic illnesses. Across the UK, the group is taking out billboard adverts calling for better research and for the NHS to do more to prevent Covid infections. The billboard in Peterborough is located in Padholme Road.

05 March, 2023

"Scottish Good Practice Statement On Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME-CFS)"

From the Scottish Government: "This guidance is intended to support the diagnosis and management of ME/CFS in primary care, and was originally published in 2010. The Scottish Government has partially updated it to insert key recommendations from the NICE Guideline on ME/CFS published in October 2021."

Note: ME/CFS SA does not endorse the UK's NICE Guidelines.

28 November, 2022

"Visible" Illness Tracker

The activity tracking platform for illness, not fitness.

25 December, 2024

"Why Am I So Tired?” Quiz Launched By Nonprofit To Provide Insights Into Fatigue Causes

After a successful pilot phase, NHJI is launching the online tiredness test, offering free access to help individuals with persistent fatigue.

31 May, 2024

#3049 Differences On Fatigue Characterization In Two Distinct Populations Of Chronic Hemodialysis Patients

Chronic fatigue remains, despite all the technological advances, one of the most important symptoms in prevalent hemodialysis (HD) subjects and has a strong impact on mortality and health-related quality of life. The objective of our work was to characterize fatigue in our patients, as a starting point for the development, in the near future, of an oriented and standardized approach.

08 July, 2024

#HEALTH: When Fatigue Takes Over Daily Life

DO you feel tired even after a full night's sleep or exhausted all the time and no amount of coffee helps you stay alert? Situations such as these are common for those with chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS and sufferers are often mistakenly labelled as lazy. CFS is a debilitating condition that defies conventional diagnostic efforts as there are no specific tests or symptoms that can definitively identify the condition. As a result, CFS remains shrouded in mystery and those affected are often left to figure things out on their own. There is little data on CFS in Malaysia, not because it does not exist here but because there is low awareness among the general public, says IMU University clinical psychologist and head of department at the school of medicine, Dr Serena In.

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