
Event on 15 May, 2023

May Awareness 2023

Aust Dept of Health highlights May12th on social media; Pt Lincoln J Primary and Grill'd Unley fundraisers; global events; and more.
Your support counts in bringing about change!

SA Power Networks, all of May

2023 May Awareness SAPN close up

Thank you to SA Power Networks for their continuing support for May awareness by displaying our poster on their digital billboard throughout May.

Their billboard, on the major intersection of Greenhill Road and Anzac Highway, is seen by thousands of commuters each day. It is the fourth busiest intersection in South Australia.

Australian Government Dept of Health and Aged Care

2023 May Awareness May 12th 2023 Dept Health FB ME CFS International awareness day

Our peak body, ME/CFS Australia, reached out to the social media team at the Department of Health and Aged Care. It was pleasing to have them highlight ME/CFS International Awareness Day for the first time.

Despite leading with fatigue rather than post exertional malaise (PEM), it is good to have the day recognised by the Department. Their social media accounts have many followers, including 793,000 for their Facebook page.


2023 May Awareness MM  Zoom 1

On Thursday 11 May, ME/CFS South Australia members caught up on Zoom to mark the global event #MillionsMissing, and ME/CFS International Awareness day.

Members shared their hints on what makes their bedroom more comfortable in dealing with ME. The discussion was lively, giving us many laughs and unearthing some interesting talents that have been hidden away because of ME.

2023 May Awareness #MM Dinner Party

In keeping with this year's #MillionsMissing theme of 'beds', our social media message highlighted the many social events we miss out on because we are bedbound or housebound.


Click on the photos to enlarge the image.

On tour

Adelaide locations

We are thankful to all the the locations for their ongoing support.
Click on the photos to enlarge the image.

Adelaide Oval, 12 May
Adelaide Riverbank Footbridge, 12 May
Adelaide Town Hall, 12 May
Parliament House, 12 May
SAHMRI, 12 May
Uni SA Bradley Building, 12 May
Unley Town Hall, 12 May
2023 May Awareness LUTN AU FB

#LightUpTheNight started in 2014, when 36 public buildings and landmarks lit up from Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Northern Ireland, Puerto Rica, USA and UK. Famous landmarks like Niagara Falls were included.

From three Australian locations lit up in 2015, the local event has continued to grow to more than 40 buildings and landmarks, as well as two digital billboards, in 2023!

Port Lincoln Junior Primary fundraiser

2023 May Awareness Port Lincoln Junior Primary Teacher on video, food
Lynne Harris online, joining the staff for morning tea.

On 24 May, PLJP held a casual clothes day with a touch of blue to raise awareness and money for ME/CFS SA. The staff enjoyed a morning tea.
Angie Casanova organised the day for her good friend Lynne Harris, one of our members whose son, Dan, is severe and bed bound.

The school raised $328.25.

Many thanks to the staff and students of Port Lincoln Junior Primary for their thoughtfulness. Your effort is much appreciated.

Grill'd Unley fundraiser

2023 May Awareness Grill'd Paris, PMc

Many thanks to those who were able to support this fundraiser!

We are grateful to Grill'd Unley for promoting our organisation and for their cheque of $300.

ME/CFS SA was one of three charities Grill'd Unley supported in May.

How it works:

  • Every burger equals a token, to pop in a jar for voting, in person or online.
  • At the end of the month, the charity whose jar has the most tokens receives $300, 2nd and 3rd receive $100 each.

Grill'd offers a wide menu, including low-carb, vegetarian and vegan options, with zero artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.

Previous years

See Past Events for previous May Awareness years.

Background to May12th

May Awareness Florence Nightingale 960x 960

In 1992, 12 May was chosen as the international awareness day for ME/CFS as it is the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the pioneer of public health and the founder of modern nursing, who suffered for decades with an ME/CFS-like illness.

Awareness Ribbon Instagram Beige checked background

Florence contracted what was called 'Crimean Fever' whilst serving in the Crimean War. After returning home at the age of 38, she spent the next 50 years homebound and bedridden, achieving much of her later work from the confines of her bed.

In 1995, a blue ribbon was adopted to represent ME/CFS.

Last edited: 31 July, 2023