
SALA Artist - Jennifer Bourne

South Australian Living Artists Festival 1-31 August 2024 

Artist profile

Jenny Bourne
Jenny Bourne - Port Augusta, South Australia

Jenny is an artist printmaker with extensive skills in community development and small group facilitation.

Jenny’s passion is printmaking; she is developing her printmaking practice in screen-print on fabric and paper; in relief printmaking in both linocut, and Mokuhanga; and Intaglio methods including, collagraphy, cardboard etching, photopolymer (solar) plate, aluminium etching and in waterless lithography.

Her preferred drawing media are graphite and watercolour.

Concepts that feature most highly in Jenny’s art practice focus on the interactions between atmosphere, geographical features and people that create a sense of place; the beauty and value of our natural environment, human – environment tensions particularly global warming and non-biodegradable waste.  Her work ranges from figurative landscape and botanical art to concepts of environmental damage. Jenny is particularly drawn to arid and outback landscapes.

Jenny has a keen interest in using art as a medium for small group development, building self-esteem and conflict resolution. She successfully obtained her Master of International and Community Development in 2011. 

Jenny teaches occasional classes in printmaking, and other media.


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Artist Comments

Washed Up
Jennifer Bourne
Collagraph Print with Chine Collee
Akua Intaglio Inks on Traditional Napali Lokta Paper
Image Size 19.5 x 15.5cm; Paper size 25 X 20cm
Variable Edition 1/4  (editions 1/4 and 4/4 - 3 available, contact artist)
PRICE  (unframed) $80.00

Watermark (part of Inland Waterways Series)
Jennifer Bourne
Collagraph Print
Australian Fine Art Inks on Somerset Velvet Paper 300gsm
Image Size 42.5 x 31cm; Paper size 56.5 X 37.5cm
Edition 1/6          (editions 1 - 3 available, contact artist)
PRICE (unframed) $300.00

Stranded Sand Dunes (part of Inland Waterways Series)
Jennifer Bourne
Collagraph Print
Australian Fine Art Inks on Somerset Velvet Paper 300gsm
Image Size 42.5 x 31cm; Paper size 56.5 X 37.5cm
Edition 1/5          (editions 1 - 3 available contact artist)
PRICE (unframed) $300.00

Inland Delta (part of Inland Waterways Series)
Jennifer Bourne
Collagraph Print
Australian Fine Art Inks on Somerset Velvet Paper 300gsm
Image Size 42.5 x 31cm; Paper size 56.5 X 37.5cm
Edition 1/6          (editions 1 - 3 available contact artist)
PRICE (unframed) $300.00

Description of the artwork

Washed Up: represents the detritus on a beach. Seaweed is depicted with organic, sinuous linear bands in grey, flowing diagonally from top left to bottom right. The background textures are granular, reminiscent of shell and stone fragments and string-like pieces. Amongst the seaweed are rounded, mottled green and orange-coloured small rocks.  

Watermark: is an aerial view in various tones of yellow ochre in portrait orientation. In the bottom left corner is a rough linear texture, depicting narrow ridges of sparkling quartz in sand. A darker, sinuous line meanders widely left to right starting from top running to bottom of the image, creating loops and curves representing water pushing its way over the sand.  

Stranded Sand Dunes: represents an aerial view of sand dunes formed in a dry riverbed, in landscape orientation. The background colour is a heavy cream with sepia/grey marks, and rough-edged organic shapes, some crescent, drop, and roughly oval shaped, some with tails or thin curvilinear extensions. These shapes represent ridges of sand left remaining as the water has cut its way downstream.  These ridges of sand dune are striated about their circumference depicting the changing water level of the river.  Peaks within the grey shapes are highlighted in orange ochre. 

Inland Delta: features an aerial view of a landscape, with a rugged coastline running roughly diagonally from top right to bottom left of the artwork. The top left of the image features the heavy cream texture of the handmade paper. The bottom right has the collagraph print depicting the topography of an inland delta; sinuous yellow ochre lines curve and cross over each other like stand of various thicknesses and textures of string representing the path of the water, which has over geological time carved these paths through a highly textured red oxide wedge shapes depicting a hard ironstone plateau covered in low scrubby desert vegetation.  

Copyright of all content (images and text) belongs to the artist credited. All work is used here with permission and shall not be used by any other organisation or individual for any purpose or in any way without express written permission of the artist.

Last edited: 25 July, 2024